
Who pays for Thai wedding?

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Thai Dowry In Thai culture, it is customary for the groom to provide the bride and her family with two gifts: Khong Man and sin sod. These gifts are a way to show respect and commitment to the bride’s family.

Khong Man: Engagement Gold The Khong Man gift, usually made of 24 carat gold jewelry, signifies the official engagement between the groom and the bride. While it is not a legal requirement, it is an important cultural tradition in Thailand.

Sin Sod: The Thai “Dowry” Sin sod is a cash gift given by the groom to the bride’s family on the wedding day. This practice is often misunderstood as a “dowry,” but it actually symbolizes financial stability and commitment. It is not a legal obligation, but it helps strengthen family bonds.

Factors Influencing Sin Sod Amount The amount of sin sod can vary based on factors such as the bride’s education, social standing, and previous marital status. Typically, higher education or social status may increase the expected sin sod amount.

Negotiating Sin Sod It is common for the groom to negotiate the sin sod amount with the bride’s parents. It is important to consider cultural significance and communicate openly during these negotiations.

Protecting Yourself To protect yourself during the engagement period, it is advisable to wait until the wedding day to give the Khong Man gift and sin sod. This can help prevent any potential issues if the engagement is called off.

Marriage Registration Services For those looking to navigate the complexities of Thai marriage customs, My Thai Love offers matchmaking and dating advisory services. If you are interested in finding a romantic partner in Thailand for marriage or long-term dating, please contact us at [mythailoveofficial@gmail.com] for more information.

Remember, understanding and respecting Thai wedding customs can help ensure a successful and harmonious union between you and your partner.

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